在 AutoCAD 2012 中,用户可以连接至安装了Content Service 的服务器 – 这样可在较大的库文件夹中快速搜索文件/对象。此连接功能已扩展,以便包含安装了 Content Service 的所有计算机。因此,您可以连接到您同事的关注的文件夹并搜索其内容以用于对等文件和对象共享 – 但只有在他们已明确授予访问文件夹的权限时才可用(基于 Windows 的安全和防火墙安全仍适用)。
Social Media SharingAutodesk Cloud ConnectivityCloud Documents
The new Cloud tool opens your AutodeskCloud Documents list and folders in a browser. If you are not already loggedin, it will prompt you to enter your secure login name and password.
Online Options
The online tool provides easy access tothe Online tab in the Options dialog box where you can monitor your onlinestorage capacity and control interaction with cloud documents and customizationsynchronization.
File Synchronization
lUserscan sync drawings and folders with their online account directly from withinAutoCAD (Windows only); X-references and other dependent files areautomatically included.
lExportand attach files directly to the user's single sign-on account
lUserscan easily share files with other via their Autodesk Online Account directlyfrom within AutoCAD.
lSaveand Open file directly to and from the user's single sign-on account (Mac only)
lSSOintegration in AutoCAD for Mac
AutoCAD WS Integration
lA user should be able to easily movebetween AutoCAD and AutoCAD WS (both web and mobileclients); the transition should be seamless so that the user can open up adrawing that was edited in one application (for example AutoCAD WS on the iPad)and continue working on the same drawing in another application (for exampleAutoCAD) without requiring any additional effort.
lUsers can easily share a selected groupof content (blocks) between AutoCAD and other mobile clients like AutoCAD WSand ADR WS. The shared content should be stored in the user online account andbe accessible from both the desktop and the web/mobile clients.
lSelected AutoCAD preferences that arestored with the users online account as part of their customization sync arecarried over into AutoCAD WS (for example Background color).
Cloud Printing
lA user is working remotely and needs tosend a print to a cloud printer back at the office. While signed into her SSOaccount, any (supported) cloud printers that have been setup with her SSOaccount should automatically be available from any location or device - eithervia the AutoCAD Plot dialog or AutoCAD WS Plot dialog, and the user should beable to send a print directly to the selected cloud printer.
lA user is away on a site visit andneeds to print out several AutoCAD drawing for an on-site meeting with theclient the next day. The user can select a printer from a service provider(like Kinko's for example) directly in the Plot dialog and pick-up the drawingsthe next morning (or alternatively, have the print-outs sent to anaddress).
Customization and Support File Sync
lA user needs to work in AutoCAD onmultiple machines and wants her same AutoCAD customization preferences toautomatically travel with her as she moves from one machine to the next.
lA user needs to work in AutoCAD onmultiple machines and wants her AutoCAD support files to automaticallytravel with her as she moves from one computer to the next.
Online Editors
lIn AutoCAD for Windows, the existingPlot Style Table Editor will be replaced with a new, cross-platform online PlotStyle Editor that is displayed in a webkit browser window. The new onlineeditor should support all workflows that are currently supported by the desktopeditor and at the same time make creating and editing of plot style tableseasier than the current editor.
lSimplified Online CUI Editor
RaaS integration
lA user is working on a 3D rendering inAutoCAD. Materials have been assigned, lights and the environment setup and theuser is ready to create a high-res rendering of 4 different views of the model.The user sends the 4 views to the cloud for rendering and continues towork on her computer; she is notified when the renderings are ready.
CAD Manager Control Utility
New tab for Cloud/file sync options.
AutoCAD Apps on Autodesk ExchangeAdditional Enhancements
The Jaws release includes many additionalenhancements to existing AutoCAD functionality.
lA usershould be able to view the length of a spline in the Properties palette andextract the length with Data extraction.
lUser want the old snapgrid behavior of the cursor when Snap is turn on(while in a quiescent state)
DataServices Task Dialogs
Is there any reason to mention this to customers for Jaws release?
AutoCADis being enhanced to allow accessing and storing data in different ways. These improvements have the potential toimprove performance and flexibility when dealing with large data sets.
Dependingon how some features are implemented in the K and L releases, there is thepossibility that users could see data loss if the drawing is edited and savedin Jaws or earlier releases. In otherwords, a feature in the later release may become broken if the file is editedand saved in Jaws. As a safeguard, taskdialogs are needed for Jaws that can prevent or warn the user about potentialdata loss, or force a drawing to be opened in read-only mode. For example, a feature in K may retrieve andwrite data from an external source that Jaws is unaware of, or it may store andupdate data in a section of the dwg that Jaws is unaware of. If the drawing is opened and edited in Jaws,the drawing may look correct, but some functionality available in the laterversion of AutoCAD may become inadvertently broken. The task dialogs can warn the users in thesecases.
Thefollowing task dialogs may be displayed in Jaws when a feature in K or L sets atrigger for them to be displayed. Theymay never be used by future features, but they are available if the needoccurs. 作者: 438290498 时间: 2012-1-11 01:30
还是不下为好,没注册码的。作者: ugabc 时间: 2012-1-11 16:46
虽然那么好,也只能望洋兴叹,楼主给的地址根本下载不了!也不知软件体积多大?估计小不了!作者: mfcad 时间: 2012-2-7 12:00